
Contact I-Change

We are used to dealing with all manner of issues and understand that it is crucial that you find someone who inspires your confidence. We are sufficiently convinced of our ability to do so that we find the best option is to show you how we can add value. So we offer no charge for an initial free consultation and can often offer valuable insights in the course of this process.

Call us now on +44 01483 208 384 or email info@i-change.biz

© I-Change Ltd. 2024
I-Change Limited is registered in England and Wales with companies house number 03254769 at: Munstead Lane, Godalming, Surrey, GU8 4AG

Testimonials: The results of this project have far exceeded our expectations. Richard's mix of people skills and experience, ’hands on‘ took us through the proccess of change step by step... - Baker Tilly OMP
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Article: Management and Change Management
Blog: We've been Trumped... or Brexit pt II

Growth itself contains the germ of happiness. - Pearl S. Buck

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