
Bushcraft Challenge

Normally, these build slowly, over time. However, not everyone can afford to wait for this to happen. In order to reduce the time it takes a team to become truly effective we have created the Bushcraft Challenge, in partnership with John Rhyder of the Woodcraft School (John used to be Ray Mears chief instructor).

Because, as professionals, we all have a good ‘act’, it can be hard to gauge, in the boardroom, a team’s effectiveness. That is why we take you out into the woods. There is a powerful link between business survival, and survival skills.

Who needs it?


This is a 2 day event, taking place in a beautiful, private woodland estate in Hampshire. On the first day, your team learns how to build and start a fire, without matches; to build a shelter and cook in the open. You will then go into the woods and put these skills into practice, spending the night in the shelters you have built, eating the food you have cooked, around the fire you have started! After each session the team is debriefed to learn how their behaviour, planning and contribution affected the team.

Day 2 is focused on the business goal selected by the team leader, such as the business strategy, using the lessons from day 1 to ensure that everyone contributes in the most effective way, communicates well, is supportive etc. This kind of physical, emotional and mental experience has far more impact than any ordinary workshop, and quickly gets to the heart of the issues. It also builds and bonds a team at a truly visceral level.


As with all our programmes, we tailor the details of each event to meet your needs, so the specific activities will be flexed accordingly. Sign up today for the most fun you have ever had with your boots on!

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© I-Change Ltd. 2025
I-Change Limited is registered in England and Wales with companies house number 03254769 at: Munstead Lane, Godalming, Surrey, GU8 4AG

Testimonials: Only one other organisation I know could have designed and facilitated this so well ... and they no longer exist - Senior Cap Gemini Consultant
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