
Change Model


There must be an unmet need, which is perceived as compelling [a desire is just another, subtler form of need]


You must be able to believe that Change is possible. You have to have evidence or experience to support this.


You must be prepared to do what it takes or make the change. Resistance is the opposite force. As all behaviour is purposeful, you need to understand what the pay-off is for maintaining the status quo.


You have to have the necessary resources [time, knowledge, capability, budget, time, skill, experience etc.] to make the change happen.


You then have to do what it takes to make the change real, and having done so, ensure that it is maintain and that people don't backslide.

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If you don't like change, you're going to like irrelevance even less. - General Eric Shinseki, Chief of Staff, U. S. Army

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